HELPPP. I'm looking for the name of this manhwa.

Created By  nuims on Mon Oct 02 2023 10:14:37 GMT +0000 (GMT+0000)



Hi everyone. I made a new account just for this. Please help a sister out because I'm about to lose my mind trying to recall this manhwa's name 😭 Basically, months ago I read a story which name I completely forgot. I've gone through my history but since I don't remember the title, I couldn't find it. However, I remember certain parts of the story. If anyone could help me out figure out the name based on the descriptions, please do let me know. Thank youuuu

- I think it's historical manhwa but my goldfish memory could be wrong  >_<
- The MC's parents died when he was young, so he has to live with his uncle's family. I don't know if I remember correctly but his parents are either royalty or some high ranking noble. After their death, he moved in with his uncle because he's the only family he has left. 
- However, the uncle's family is not very fond of him and tries to siphon all of his inheritance. They made him work for food and disrespect him, BUT one part that I clearly remember is that his family accused the MC of trying to seduce his cousin. Because of the accusation, I believe he was thrown out of the house not long after and has to find ways to survive.
- Again, not sure if I get it right but as he grows older, he becomes good looking and somewhat a playboy who sleeps around with many women. Due to his harsh upbringing, he uses his good look & bed skills to take advantage of these women (I could be wrong on this part though).
- Later in life, he plans for revenge over his parents' death & plans to take back everything that his uncle took from him. To do so, he somehow got into an arranged marriage. The wife somehow knows about his reputation as ladies' man and was constantly harrased by the women that he slept with in the past.

Anddd these are the only things I could remember from the story. I totally appreciate it if anyone could help me out with this one because it's been stuck with me for months and I can't seem to get it out of my mind.

Till then, thank you in advanced! 🤞🏼